Thursday, June 6, 2019

Monopoly - economics Essay Example for Free

Monopoly economics EssayA monopoly exists when it has total entertain over a particular trade and controls the supply and demand for that particular good or service. An oligopoly is a structure of a market in which only a few companies own or control the industry There are natural monopolies in the economy as sound which are necessary to keep the economy progressing. Oligopolies exist because of the control over the supply of a good or service is in the hands of only a select few. They can influence the prices as well as the competition. The first monopolies began over discrepancies over natural resources.Before there was government regulation the resources that were once widely available to the population were controlled by the likes of elite, full-bodied men. These conflicts over natural resources caused the government to regulate the resources by gathering and distributing them to the public. This regulation was put into place to reduce aggression between the company and the customers while equilibrise the supply and demand through different companies. Natural monopolies, on the other hand, do exist. These natural monopolies are those that have been in place for a languish time and cannot be easily replaced.An example of these monopolies is a public utility such as water or electric service. It is much more pricy to use multiple companies for a utility is much more costly as a whole than allowing the monopoly to continue. Waterlines and electrical towers that have been built and maintained for long time would be difficult to destroy or remove from the land. In an oligopoly market, the companies set the prices and work together to control the markets to block new competitors from entering the market. The way these companies make out is through advertising and campaigns to get the most loyalty from the public.By using one another they can create supply and demand for their product or service. With government regulation these few powers can also be controlled like a monopoly would be. From a laissez faire view, monopolies and oligopolies will self-correct and be naturally eliminated. For instance, Microsoft Corporation controlled the operating body market since releasing in 1985. Microsofts operating systems, which once solely dominated the market, at one time compete with Apples MacOS. These two companies competing have now formed an oligopolistic market.In conclusion, it is in the best interest in the government to prevent monopolies from existing. When monopolies exist they decrease the incentive to for other companies to be successful in the market. Keeping the market competitive will drive companies to create new technology and use their inventiveness to improve the economy. Only under certain component part should a monopoly exist and that is of a natural monopoly, and when they do they ought to be regulated by the government. Even though the government can set laws and regulations for oligopolies, it still leaves c lutch of room for monopolistic activities and uneven market share.

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